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OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone UseOEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone UseOEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone UseOEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone UseOEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone UseOEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use

OEM veleprodajni dijelovi za poljoprivredne dronove od 10 l 6215 motora i 2170 propelera Digitalne baterije za upotrebu RC dronova

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Opis proizvoda

OEM 6215 motor bez četkica + Hobbywing 80A ESC + 2170 propeler + nosač propelera

OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use supplier

motor+propeler+nosač propelera

1. 6215 motor
2. Propeler 2170 (1cw ili 1ccw)
3. Nosač propelera (1CW ili 1CCW)
Detaljne slike
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use factory
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use factory
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use details
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use factory
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use factory
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use factory
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use supplier
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use manufacture
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use supplier
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use supplier
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use factory
Naša tvrtka
OEM Wholesale 10L Agriculture Drone Parts 6215 Motor and 2170 Propeller Set Digital Batteries for RC Drone Use factory
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Kontaktirajte nas

P1: Koja je minimalna količina narudžbe (MOQ)?
A1: Nema ograničene količine, primjer narudžbe ili mala narudžba su prihvatljivi, ali kupci moraju platiti troškove uzorka i troškove kurirske službe

P2: Koje je vrijeme isporuke? (Koliko će vremena trebati za pripremu moje robe?)
A2: 2-3 dana za uzorke narudžbi, 10-15 dana za skupne narudžbe. (Točno vrijeme će se temeljiti na zahtjevima)

P3: Kako ćete mi dostaviti moju robu?
A3: Obično ćemo robu slati zrakom, morem i ekspresom.

P4: Možete li ispisati vlastiti logotip na proizvode?
O4: Da, naravno. Dostupni su ne samo logotip, već i dizajn pakiranja i druge OEM usluge.

P5: Koja je kvaliteta vašeg proizvoda?
A5: Sve naše sirovine kupuju se od kvalificiranih dobavljača. I imamo vrlo strog standard kontrole kvalitete kako bismo osigurali da naši konačni proizvodi zadovoljavaju vaše zahtjeve.

Pitanje 6. Testirate li svu svoju robu prije isporuke?
A6: Da, imamo 100% test prije isporuke.

P7: Koje je vaše jamstvo?
A7: Naše jamstvo je 12 mjeseci nakon što ste primili robu. Veliku ćemo pozornost posvetiti postprodajnoj usluzi.

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